Tag Archives: palette knife painting

Painting Sunflowers – Day 27

Teaching and Painting

I had a delightful day teaching some basic palette knifing to a group of lovely ladies !  This was a quick demo of our still life setup.  Painting sunflowers and an apple!!

Day 27 complete!!  All the best!!


Painting Buddha with a Knife – Day 26

Painting Buddha

I’ve been wanting to paint this guy for awhile.  He’s one of the pieces I inherited from my Aunt Robin — who I was named after!  She was a very special lady!  Traveled all over the world, sang with the Robert Shaw Chorale, worked for Newsweek.  Way ahead of her time, she lived in Queens in NY by herself.  Once when I went to visit her we decided to meet at a musical in town.  She took the subway and I took a cab.  When we got there a crowd was gathered around a cabbie and an older gentleman in some sort of dispute.  Everyone was standing around watching the cabbie push on the old guy.  My aunt walked right into the middle of it and pushed them apart.  

This Buddha statue was from one of her trips.  I have a studio in my home today because of her.  I moved her to Charlotte when she was struggling because of her age.  After living in some assisted living situations, we decided it would be great to have her at home with us.  I spent a lot of time with her anyway.  We designed my studio right next to her suite, so I could be available to her whenever she needed me.  Put in large hallways to accommodate her wheelchair.  Anyway, she passed before it was done.  But I think of her often when I’m in my studio and that part of our home.  Thank you Aunt Robin for letting me be a part of your life for your last years!  It was an honor and a privilege!!!

Day 26, Buddha, dedicated to Jessie Roberta Allardice, Aunt Robin.


Same Spot, Different Day – Day 25

Painting Freedom Park Again

I decided to go back to the same spot where I painted yesterday.  I liked the composition, but still trying to get a painting I’m really happy with.  Practice, practice, practice!!!

Day 25 complete!  All the best!!!


Painting Chucks – Day 22

Painting Chucks

Like I said – I seem to be getting more abstract and crazy the more I palette knife paint.  I could have worked many more hours on this, but I have to learn to give that up.  Not all of these paintings are going to be great paintings.  That’s been a lesson for me in so many ways.  I think the fact that we agree to post them makes it more of a challenge.  Normally I would only post paintings that I really like – the rest go in the closet or in the trash!  Anyway, here’s Katie’s old Chucks.  I may have to give these another try.

All the best!  Day 22 done!


Painting Squished Tubes of Paint – Day 20

Squished Tubes

I think the more I do this the more abstract and crazy I get!  Painted squished tubes of paint today and a little bit of my mineral spirits container.  Today I joined a group and met in uptown Charlotte to do a Flash Mob in honor of the First Amendment.  We sang all the verses of “This Land is Your Land”  Boohooed through half of it!  Hope you all are finding good ways to put your energy and good ideas to use to help this country be all it can be!!

Day 20 down!  All the best to you and yours!!


Painting My Palette and Brushes – Day 18

Palette and Brushes

Decided to continue doing still lifes of my painting tools – so I painted my palette, brushes, palette knife and some globs of paint. Once again it’s a welcome distraction while we try to figure out what’s going on healthwise with my husband.  I have to say my opinion of the medical field and health insurance field has diminished greatly.  Trying to stay positive but I’ve had a few breakdowns along the way.  We’ve been on “hover” since the end of October.  My patience has worn thin…

All the best to you and yours!  Day 18 completed!


Painting Apples – Day 15

Painting Apples

Day 15 I am painting apples.  Now my husband can finally eat some of these.  I made him wait until I got a painting done.  I know I should write more to you, but I’m tapped out today.  

All the best to you and yours!
