Tag Archives: painting

Emote your paintings- Ha!

Knifed FloralI did this painting in a mad frenzy.  I was furious at the world this morning and went at the canvas with a vengeance —actually it was board not canvas.  Thank God because I probably would have torn a canvas.  I was totally out of my head — and it helped me clear all the garbage out of my system.


Painting the Community Garden — and tips for organizing for Plein Aire

Headed out to paint this morning — got all set up and realized I had forgotten to bring a canvas to paint on!  UGH!  Had to go home and start all over again.  Realized I need a checklist like a pilot before I take off!!!  Also need to read up on how to format this posts so I can put the photo where I want!!!Painting Community Garden


Spring Morning Red Maples (Or Painting in my Pajamas)

Oil painting, painting trees, capturing light in painting, painting in my pajamas

Plein Air painting — beautiful light over the trees

This painting “happened” one morning when I was having my morning coffee outside.  I also happened to have a brand new plein air easel which I just love!  So I looked across the road and saw the light coming over the trees, over new dogwoods and a stunning red maple.  That’s where my husband found me an hour later — in my pajamas— painting away.  Using a palette knife a lot these days.  It forces me not to get caught in details that are unnecessary (sometimes).  Still I vascillate back and forth between brush and knife.  Constantly experimenting. Sometimes fun and sometimes discouraging.  This was a fun one!

