Day 2 Still Life — Ok this is harder than I thought it would be!!! Kudos to you still life painters. Just trying to figure out what to paint, how to arrange, light, etc. was a huge challenge. Painted for an hour or so and then wiped it out completely. Hopefully I’m learning something in the process!!
I always start with the brush. Then at some point I get totally frustrated that I can get the depth of color and value that I want and end up picking up the knife. I think some of it is laziness too. I’m really not enamored of total realism – maybe because I’ve never really mastered it? But I end up liking some looseness and the knife seems to achieve that for me. Anyway that’s my excuse at this point!
The other piece of this challenge that I am happy about is that it forces me to keep up with my blog every day. That’s a discipline that I have lacked, and perhaps after a month of posting I won’t let it go in the future.
Hoping that the rain will stop soon and I can go outside and do some plein air as part of this challenge. Day 2 down, 28 to go! Come on lessons!!!