Tag Archives: Bonnerdavidgallery

American Women Artists 2015 National Juried Show

Kalvin, Portrait of a Young Man

Kalvin, Portrait of a Young Man

Recently I got an email announcing that my painting “Kalvin, Portrait of a Young Man” had been juried into the American Women Artists 2015 National Juried Show.  Needless to say I was excited, humbled, overwhelmed and even a bit weepy.  Being an artist is such an emotional roller coaster.  Constantly painting and working… trying to improve. Trying to create something that feels right, conveys some emotion, is visually compelling in some way.  It’s a huge challenge, one that I don’t think you ever “reach”, but so compelling for me that I can’t stop.  And then on top of that, if you want to make a living at it, you have to put it out there for the world to see and hope and pray that some like it — hopefully love it.

So I’m thrilled that this painting will be part of the AWA25 show at the Bonner David Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ, November 12-30, 2015. There were close to 1000 entries from 400 artists and 60 paintings were chosen to be in this show.  There will be a week of festivities since this is also the American Women Artists Organization’s 25th year.  American Women Artists is a non-profit organization dedicated to the inspiration, celebration, and encouragement of women in the visual fine arts. I so appreciate their mission and am grateful to get to be a part of their celebration!
