Category Archives: 30 in 30 Daily Paintings

Plein Air Painting on a Bike

Maiden Voyage

Today was my maiden voyage — riding my bike to plein air paint.  I uplifted my bike with some big baskets so I could fit all my gear. 

Painting by bike

Fun!  Makes it so much easier to look for places to paint.  Not trying to drive a car and scope out possibilities!!  This particular tree is one that I always look at in my neighborhood.  I love the twisting branches — it looks like one of those trees on the coast that’s been windswept.  

This is Day 2 of the 30 day challenge.  Once again if you purchase this painting, half of the price will go to a charity to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Make sure and let me know which charity you prefer.  I mentioned 3 in my first blog post about 30 in 30.

All the best to you and yours!!!




Day One – 30 paintings in 30 days – Bringing you Flowers

Once again I’m committing to doing 30 paintings in 30 days — all from life.  Dottie Leatherwood was a huge inspiration for my decision.  I always learn a tremendous amount when I paint daily, but this time it feels more meaningful.  I saw Dottie’s post about donating 50% to Hurricane Harvey victims and realized what a wonderful idea!  So for every painting that sells, 50% will be donated to victims of Hurricane Harvey.  They will be posted on Daily Paintworks, or you may contact me directly.

If you purchase one, please let me know your preference for donation – Red Cross or Houston Humane Society.  If you have a favorite charity that you’re familiar with that benefits those affected by this horrific event, please let me know.  

I received an email from the Portrait Society today.  They have set up a drive to donate art supplies to the hundreds of children who are stranded in shelters.  Many people had to leave their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs.  So they are coordinating a drive to send coloring books, art pads, colored pencils and markers to these children in the Dallas and Houston convention centers.  So that is another cause that I would be happy to send donations to as well.

All 30 paintings will be from life — so either plein air, interiors, people or still life.  My other caveat that I’m adding for my own education, is to do every painting  with a limited palette.  For instance, the painting above “Bringing you Flowers” was done with White, Ultramarine Blue, Permanent Rose and Cadmium Yellow Light.

I’m excited about the opportunity to learn more — and to help some in this horrible situation in Texas.  Having experienced many hurricanes myself, I know how your life comes to a complete standstill — but I’ve never experienced any as intense and destructive as Harvey.  My heart goes out to all those folks!  

To purchase this painting

All the best to you and yours!!!


Daily Paintings Collage

Collage of most of my daily paintings from January

I decided to post a collage of most of my daily paintings from January.  I’ve sold a few and had some questions about whether or not they are for sale.  So yes they are!!  Most are posted on and most reasonably priced at $75/each.  Please go look if you’re interested!!

Thanks!  All the best to you and yours!!


Day 31!!! I Made It! Now for some tea!

Afternoon Tea

I can’t believe I’ve done it!  31 days of daily paintings.  I’ve learned a lot!  I’m also ready to get back to some bigger projects, but who knows I may come back to daily painting!

This teacup is a piece of Wedgewood that my Mom left me.  The pewter pitcher was one of her pieces as well.  Nostalgic to use these pieces in a piece of art.  

Thank you to the Strada Easel folks for issuing this challenge as well as Leslie Saeta for her 30in30 challenge.  I was able to combine both — doing a daily painting which satisfied Leslie’s challenge – and doing them all from life, which satisfied the Strada Easel challenge (and one extra day).  I’m grateful for all the learning!!!

Day 31 complete!!  All the best to you and yours!!!


Sushi Anyone? Painting Day 29

Sushi Anyone??

Had so much fun painting this!  Got to pull out phthalo turquoise!  Love those colors! Part of the biggest challenge of doing a still life is creating interesting compositions.    Now all my tchotchkes ( definition: a small object that is decorative rather than strictly functional) have become much more interesting to me as possible subjects for a painting.  I’m also loving incorporating strong lighting so I get good shadows.

Day 29!  OMG!  Only two more paintings to complete the challenges I agreed to.  I’ll be interested to see if I miss it.  I’m ready to get back to some larger paintings that take more time to develop – I think!  We shall see!

All the best!!!


Painting Sunflowers – Day 27

Teaching and Painting

I had a delightful day teaching some basic palette knifing to a group of lovely ladies !  This was a quick demo of our still life setup.  Painting sunflowers and an apple!!

Day 27 complete!!  All the best!!


Painting Buddha with a Knife – Day 26

Painting Buddha

I’ve been wanting to paint this guy for awhile.  He’s one of the pieces I inherited from my Aunt Robin — who I was named after!  She was a very special lady!  Traveled all over the world, sang with the Robert Shaw Chorale, worked for Newsweek.  Way ahead of her time, she lived in Queens in NY by herself.  Once when I went to visit her we decided to meet at a musical in town.  She took the subway and I took a cab.  When we got there a crowd was gathered around a cabbie and an older gentleman in some sort of dispute.  Everyone was standing around watching the cabbie push on the old guy.  My aunt walked right into the middle of it and pushed them apart.  

This Buddha statue was from one of her trips.  I have a studio in my home today because of her.  I moved her to Charlotte when she was struggling because of her age.  After living in some assisted living situations, we decided it would be great to have her at home with us.  I spent a lot of time with her anyway.  We designed my studio right next to her suite, so I could be available to her whenever she needed me.  Put in large hallways to accommodate her wheelchair.  Anyway, she passed before it was done.  But I think of her often when I’m in my studio and that part of our home.  Thank you Aunt Robin for letting me be a part of your life for your last years!  It was an honor and a privilege!!!

Day 26, Buddha, dedicated to Jessie Roberta Allardice, Aunt Robin.


Same Spot, Different Day – Day 25

Painting Freedom Park Again

I decided to go back to the same spot where I painted yesterday.  I liked the composition, but still trying to get a painting I’m really happy with.  Practice, practice, practice!!!

Day 25 complete!  All the best!!!
