Monthly Archives: July 2014

Marketing vs Painting —- Trying to strike a Balance

The constant dilemma of an artist — trying to balance marketing and actual painting.  It’s hard to strike a balance.  All I really want to do is paint, but I realize that I have to market — otherwise I’ll be on the streets with a ton of plein air paintings in my lap.  The two paintings here are of the same location.  The one below is painted in early Spring — before the leaves were back on the trees.  You can see I took some editorial license and eliminated some trees.  Just learning that that’s part of my job.  I don’t “have” to paint everything that I see.  I can rearrange things or take them out entirely.  New concept since I’ve spent so many years just trying to recreate what’s in front of me in a pleasing fashion.

One of the wonderful things about painting.  Always something to learn — you never stop!

Boone Nc, Blowing Rock, Plein air painting on Shulls Mill RoadBoone, Blowing Rock, NC mountains, Plein Air


Painting my way around Blowing Rock, NC

Painting Landscapes at Bass Lake

My husband has been working on a project in the Blowing Rock/Boone NC area.  As a result we’ve been traipsing back and forth between there and Charlotte.  I’m spending lots of time painting landscapes or plein air in this area. I’m trying to capture some of the amazing scenery around here.  It’s just so beautiful!  This painting was on the trail around Bass Lake.  It was my first experience of having folks come up and wanting to look. “Where do you sell your work?” was a frequent question.  So I need to get in gear and either find a gallery or something.  I have started giving people a photo postcard of one of my paintings with my contact info.  Looking forward to hearing from some of those folks!

One wonderful addition to my plein air equipment is my new palette that my hubby made.  It’s just a smaller version of my other one.  Much easier to pack and I anticipate finding a backpack so I can hike with my equipment and paint some less accessible areas.  This is all new to me so I continue to refine as I discover better options.  I am told that I’ll be restricting my palette colors eventually.  Still addicted to some of my colors even though I know many use many less than I do.  It continues to amaze me how much there is to learn with painting.  Good thing I love it!!



Fourth of July!!!

Woke up to amazing weather on the Fourth of July.  Had to go out and paint.  Once again at the community garden in Plaza Midwood here in Charlotte.

Spending a lot of time in Boone and Blowing Rock these days.  Spent two days painting by Bass Lake in Blowing Rock, NC.  First time I’ve painted plein air with so many people to talk to and comment on my paintings.  It was actually quite fun.  It’s also helping me get over my fear of painting in front of people.  I didn’t have a business card with me.  Big mistake!!!

Still going back and forth between brush and palette knife in my landscape work.  Also discovered that I’m not liking a darker ground.  Happier with a white canvas for these Plein air paintings.  I love the neutral grays when I’m doing a portrait — but find I’m fighting them when I do plein air.  I’m also challenging myself not to use any green out of the tube.  Learning —- hopefully!!Community Garden - july 4
