This is a close up of the painting that I did the other day of the Community Garden in one of our local parks. It’s a beautiful little hidden gem. In fact I had no idea it was there — I was just prowling around trying to find something interesting to paint. That was also the morning I didn’t even bring a canvas to paint on!! But as you see I came back. If you ever visit Plaza Midwood Park in Charlotte, NC make sure you check out this wonderful spot.
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Freedom Park Fountain
Went to Freedom Park this morning. That’s my easel setup for this morning. Beautiful day and trying to beat the heat! The palette knife painting is from the other day when I was painting a whole other scene and got frustrated. Picked up the knives and decided to do a quick abstract of the fountain.
This is a scene I’ve painted before. It’s a favorite place of ours in Boone, NC. The rocks and all the action are daunting for me. So as usual I started trying to render them with a brush. Finally in frustration I picked up a palette knife. I’m loving the palette knife. I have to be looser with it and that’s the direction I really want to go. This painting is available on if you’re interested.
Emote your paintings- Ha!
Painting the Community Garden — and tips for organizing for Plein Aire
Headed out to paint this morning — got all set up and realized I had forgotten to bring a canvas to paint on! UGH! Had to go home and start all over again. Realized I need a checklist like a pilot before I take off!!! Also need to read up on how to format this posts so I can put the photo where I want!!!
Spring Morning Red Maples (Or Painting in my Pajamas)
This painting “happened” one morning when I was having my morning coffee outside. I also happened to have a brand new plein air easel which I just love! So I looked across the road and saw the light coming over the trees, over new dogwoods and a stunning red maple. That’s where my husband found me an hour later — in my pajamas— painting away. Using a palette knife a lot these days. It forces me not to get caught in details that are unnecessary (sometimes). Still I vascillate back and forth between brush and knife. Constantly experimenting. Sometimes fun and sometimes discouraging. This was a fun one!